WFC News

Forms of Peace: Presentations from US Peace Ambassador Exchange (PAX) Delegates

2024-07-19 | Comments Off on Forms of Peace: Presentations from US Peace Ambassador Exchange (PAX) Delegates

Please join us on August 4th from 10 am to noon at the International House to hear from four delegates visiting Hiroshima from America to share their various perspectives on peace. There will be time for Q&A after they share. We hope to see you there!
Contact our office to register.

Join us for WFC’s “August 6 Hiroshima Memorial Event 2024”

2024-07-05 | Comments Off on Join us for WFC’s “August 6 Hiroshima Memorial Event 2024”

Join us for WFC’s “August 6 Hiroshima Memorial Event 2024”!

Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 10:30 am

Fee: Free of charge

Download the flyer for “Memorial Event”>>

Listen to the Hibakusha Testimony of Shizuko Abe san with time for Q&A;discuss peace with groups of younger foreign guests;take part in singing, poetry,and conversation at Barbara’s Monument.

Everyone is welcome to attend the event, so please come and join us.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Hibakusha Testimony by Shizuko Abe san at Aster Plaza (4th Floor)
registration here:

International Discussions at Aster Plaza (4th Floor)

Sharing @ Barbara Reynold’s Monument at Peace Memorial Park

Friendship Hour, KPAX Debriefing Event

2024-06-30 | Comments Off on Friendship Hour, KPAX Debriefing Event

WFC held the Friendship Hour Korean PAX debriefing event on June 22, where members who participated in the Korean PAX (Peace Ambassadors Exchange Program) from April 27 to May 2 shared their experiences. A unique feature of this delegation was the participation of high school students, and the debriefing event was filled with energy and a fun atmosphere as five high school students gave their reports. The participants must have received a lot of energy from them. Of course, they shared not only their fun experiences, but also the history of the war they had learned in Korea and their interactions with Korean high school students.
There were participants from schools other than those participating in this program, and we hope that this program will spread to the younger generation. Thank you to everyone who participated in this program.

Experiences of Israel & Palestine (2024.04.20 SAT)

2024-04-05 | Comments Off on Experiences of Israel & Palestine (2024.04.20 SAT)
2024.04.20(Sat)English Flier
“Experiences of Israel & Palestine”

As we collectively witness the worsening crisis in Gaza, we seek to understand and come closer to peace. World Friendship Center is pleased to welcome three Hiroshimans with close ties to the people of Israel and Palestine to share their experiences of their lives and relationships with the people there.

Join us to learn, ask questions, and discuss together.

Download flyer >>

Date & Time:April 20 (Sat)  14:00-16:00 (Doors open at 13:30)
Venue:International Student House 2F Hall
*Free Entry
*45名 seats available
*English interpretation available for presentations in Japanese

WFC Friendship Hour “US PAX Report (1/28)”

2024-02-05 | Comments Off on WFC Friendship Hour “US PAX Report (1/28)”
2024.01.28_PAX Report FHOn January 28, WFC held a Friendship Hour for Okahara Tamiyuki-san, Horie Soh-san, Sunawaki Mariko-san, and Osawa Yuko-san to share about their travels to the U.S. as our PAX delegates. It was wonderful to see so many friends in attendance! 
The delegates spoke about Hiroshima to over 1300 people across Washington and Oregon, in churches, schools, a university, and at the Ploughshares Conference. 
The audience laughed listening to their stories and enjoyed learning about the mementos from their travels: picture books about the atomic bomb they read to children, model airplanes from WWII, gifts and souvenirs, roadmaps and brochures, and photo albums. 
Thank you to everyone for attending.