Learn about Hiroshima ・Recommended Links
*Links are posted with permission.
These are links to organizations that are working to provide information in a variety of languages to help you learn about what happened in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. We hope that these links will help you to learn more in pursuit of peace.
We sincerely thank everyone who has given us permission to link to their site.
One Day in Hiroshima
Written by Dr. Nanao Kamada.
Professor Emeritus of Hiroshima University, and a board member of the Japanese branch of IPPNW (International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War).
One Day in Hiroshima was written from the experiences of a real-life Obaa-chan (grandmother). In response to questions from children, a grandmother who is an A-bomb survivor answers about the effects of radiation and health hazards caused by the atomic bomb.
The left page of the spread contains answers from the grandmother for young people, while the right page contains explanations from a medical perspective.
In order to convey "What happened under the mushroom cloud" to people from overseas, the books has been translated into English, French, German, and Spanish. Physical copies of these books can be found in the WFC library.
※You can read One Day in Hiroshima for free.
Click on the purple button which will take you to the IPPNW Japan webpage, then just click on the book cover in the language you would like to read.
HIROSHIMA SPEAKS OUT (HSO) is a group based in Hiroshima dedicated to promoting peace.
HSO has curated testimonies based on original interviews done with hibakusha about their life before August 6th, what they experienced on that day, and their life afterwards.
Available in English and Japanese.