





2022年2月24日、世界が注視する中、ロシア軍が国際法に違反し、ウクライナに軍事侵攻しました。これにより、何百万人ものウクライナ人が国を追われ、ウクライナの住宅街への無差別爆撃によって多くの市民が命を落としました。 また、ロシアが原子力発電所を攻撃した無謀さは、言語を絶するものです。私たちは、この覇権主義的な軍事侵攻を強く非難します。




広島の上空で炸裂した原爆を体験した被爆者は、核兵器がもたらす惨状を知っています。 彼らが世界へ訴え続けてきたメッセージは明確です。 約77年前にここ広島で、そして3日後に長崎で起こったことを、二度と起こしてはならないのです。






オレゴン州マクミンビル WFCアメリカ委員会
オハイオ州ウィルミントン ピースリソースセンター


World Friendship Center’s statement against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine



We urge the Russian troops to stop their attacks on the Ukrainian people and withdraw from Ukraine immediately.


On February 24th, 2022, as the world looked on, Russian forces illegally invaded Ukraine.  The war has forced millions of Ukrainians to leave the country and the indiscriminate bombing of residential areas in Ukraine has killed many civilians.  The recklessness at which Russia attacked a nuclear power plant was unfathomable. We strongly condemn this hegemonic military invasion.


And even worse, Russian President Vladimir Putin by putting his nuclear weapons arsenal on high alert, is moving the world even closer to a cataclysmic war that could threaten the future of our civilization.


Hibakusha, who experienced the A-bomb that exploded over Hiroshima, know the devastation wrought by a nuclear bomb.  Their message to the world is clear.  What happened here in Hiroshima almost 77 years ago, and three days later in Nagasaki, must never happen again.


We know that nuclear arsenals do not bring about security nor peace. Until the day the threat of nuclear weapons is eliminated from the earth, we will continue to cooperate and appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons together with people around the world.


Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, and we join with all those that are speaking out, to put an end to this conflict. 


March 10, 2022
NPO World Friendship Center 

Concurred with by:
American Committee of World Friendship Center, McMinnville, Oregon
Peace Resource Center of Wilmington College, Wilmington Ohio